This is a non-conclusive selection of some of the plates illustrated by Robert Dallet which appeared in the monthly animal journal “La vie des bêtes”, to which he was a regular contributor from 1960 to 1976.
- Precious Andean Llamas, March 1972
- Mouflons Worldwide (Page 1), April 1972
- Mouflons Worldwide (Page 2), April 1972
- The Parade of French Trouts, May 1972
- Leopards of Africa and Asia, June 1972
- The Inventory of French Butterflies, July 1972
- The Savannah Giraffes, August 1972
- Toads our Wildlife, September 1972
- The End of the Tigers, October 1972
- The Circle of Squirrels, November 1972
- Snake and Beauty, December 1972
- Lilliput Antelopes, January 1973
- The Most Beautiful Carabidae of France, February 1973
- Our Tritons, March 1973
- Bats of our Regions, April 1973
- Night Flights, May 1973
- The Snakes of France, June 1973
- Mysterious Wild Dogs, July 1973
- Summer Wasps, August 1973
- Frogs and Tree Frogs, September 1973
- Great Venomous, October 1973
- Zebras' Dress, November 1973
- Who Are our Shrews, December 1973
- Beautiful and Cruel Genets, January 1974
- Tritons and Salamanders of Asia, February 1974
- Our Capricorns, March 1974
- The Threatened World of Wildcats (Page 1), April 1974
- The Threatened World of Wildcats (Page 2), April 1974
- The Threatened World of Wildcats (Page 3), April 1974
- Our Twelve Lizards of France, May 1974
- Our Little Dragonflies, June1974
- The Real Bumblebees, July 1974
- Our Cousins the Gibbons, August 1974
- Bongos and Sitatungas, September 1974
- Mantis and Stick Insects of France, October 1974
- Field Miceand Voles of Fields, November 1974
- Land Turtles, December 1974
- Goblins of African Nights, January 1975
- The hidden Life of Scarab Beetles, February 1975
- Polecats, Martens, Weasels… on March, March 1975